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While strolling along Łódź’s promenade, it is worth turning into Więckowskiego Street, where above the gate at number 4, the inscription “Naissance du jour” (Birth of the Day) can be seen. Stepping inside, we are transported into a fairy-tale world of fantasy.

Wojciech Siudmak is an artist who belongs to the leading representatives of fantastic realism. He was born in 1942 in Wieluń, and has been living in France for over 50 years. It is his two paintings, “Birds in Paradise” and “Birth of the Day”, that adorn the courtyard & the well at Więckowskiego Street 4.

While strolling along Łódź’s promenade, it is worth turning into Więckowskiego Street, where above the gate at number 4, the inscription “Naissance du jour” (Birth of the Day) can be seen. Stepping inside, we are transported into a fairy-tale world of fantasy.

Wojciech Siudmak is an artist who belongs to the leading representatives of fantastic realism. He was born in 1942 in Wieluń, and has been living in France for over 50 years. It is his two paintings, “Birds in Paradise” and “Birth of the Day”, that adorn the courtyard & the well at Więckowskiego Street 4.

I would like my paintings to remind the residents of this building that they can be the masters of each new day, that they can live it positively. It was important to me that my artistic narrative gives them a sense of happiness. I hope they will be particularly proud to have such a decorated place as their residence,

summarized Wojciech Siudmak, the author of the paintings transferred to the walls of the building in the courtyard of Więckowskiego Street 4.

Those who enabled the installation of Wojciech Siudmak’s artwork on the internal facades of the building are Małgorzata Wachowicz, graduate architect engineer, and Andrzej Wachowicz, doctor of architectural engineering, both partners of Pracownia Autorska 28 studio.