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The beauty transmitted by Siudmak’s colors is without a doubt an unmistakable beauty. Anyone can become sensitive to them, just like me, when walking down the street, I noticed for the first time Siudmak’s poster among a hundred of other posters. Looking at some of Siudmak’s paintings, I hear melodious verses of G.rard de Nerval in my head:

Those gods you endlessly weep will return!
Time will bring back the order of ancient days.
Earth has shuddered with prophetic breath…

Yet the Sibyl with Latinate face still sleeps
Under the arch of Constantine
And the austere portico nothing disturbs.

Others barely scratch the world today; imperfectly, with sketches that only masquerade a sketch of our universe. Works of Siudmak, on the contrary, are characterized by simplicity of revelation. Continuous validation of all the obvious in a world that is still in doubts. And a dream, continuous dream with the third eye, a guardian of the other two which are drowning in a dream. And cracked paintings, world of wonders, leftovers forever, cracks and crevices, and movement, embedded in the still beauty and dreams. Siudmak’s painting style emanates with beauty, but not with emotions: in his search Siudmak voluntarily waives emotions for a moment. All the excitement, the emotion, the tears, the vibrations of the body are derived from only the peaceful Beauty. This beauty was so striking that I stopped immediately, just like one stops to admire the rainbow, because it is so obviously beautiful. We are struck by its uniqueness, regardless of whether you are in Paris or among the Aborigines in Australia, in a New York skyscraper, in the Sahara desert, or in Livry-Gargan. Beauty is a common language for every human. It seems that in a world of disturbing ideologies the only common language of people of different races, skin colours, education systems and cultures is the language of Beauty. A rainbow, a galloping horse, a stretching cat, an animal, a proudly stepping woman are a sudden fascination to all, regardless of their skin colour. For Siudmak colors, lines, full, simple and harmonious, in fact, last between each another in a permanent state of struggle to bring this harmony. Siudmak’s future does not stutter, it is not uncertain; future is always affirmed. It’s pure fantasy. Its qualities yield themselves to sensual experience: water becomes dense as mercury, we can touch it. Imagination is as dense as reality. Cloud is a tangible form, yielding to the skim of the hand. We want to embrace these beings – a living irrationality.

Creatures living in this area have chosen a foreigner – Siudmak, to whom they demonstrated themselves and in front of whom they decided to expose. But living on Earth made Siudmak an Earthman; extolling the space, he began to slowly defend the Man. But others are still not aware of that.

I’m not from here
I don’t come from Earth
But you have to be silent
Because man is ruthless.

In these bodily rays time does not exist, it is motionless in Siudmak’s paintings. However, the time itself became a fruit, a situation established once and for all. All these beauties seem to be immortal, indestructible, invulnerable to the passing of time, but time takes on a completely different dimension: this is the time of dreams.

(“Bribes en regardant l’oeuvre de SIUDMAK”, Album 1).

Guy Béart
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