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Whenever a theatrical performance features creations by famous and recognized masters, the stagings take on a special meaning. They are perfectly remembered both by the artists taking part in them and by the delighted audience.

In 2021, the same was true with G. Verdi's opera "Don Carlos", accompanied on stage by the paintings of another master, considered the main representative of fantastic realism - Wojciech Siudmak.

What Siudmak has in common with Dali is a virtuosity in rendering the three-dimensional illusion of space, a sense of light and shadow, and linear and aerial perspectives. Siudmak’s timeless and deeply individual art, far from theorizing and fashion, captivates with its Renaissance perfection and imagination beyond the norm, fascinating with its intellectual richness. The artist’s world is unique, full of personal symbolism, fantastic characters and constructions based on unexpected strands of thought. It is ruled by the motto: “Only a dream can transcend all barriers”.

Siudmak shares with Dali a virtuosity in rendering the three-dimensional illusion of space, a sense of light and shadow, and linear and aerial perspectives. Siudmak’s timeless and deeply individual art, far from theorizing and fashion, captivates with Renaissance perfection and imagination beyond the norm, fascinating with intellectual richness. The artist’s world is unique, full of personal symbolism, fantastic characters and constructions based on unexpected strands of thought. It is ruled by the motto: “Only a dream can transcend all barriers”.

He considers himself an heir to fantasy art, traces of which can be found as early as the wall paintings in the caves of Lascaux, through the visions of Hieronymus Bosch and Surrealism. He is inspired by the universe and the work of physicists and astrophysicists. He considers them the avant-garde of our time, not only scientifically but also in a certain sense artistically, as they provide us with a new view of the universe and aesthetic emotions. The artist seeks universal beauty based on mathematical patterns. He is not looking for “prettiness”, but, following in the footsteps of the ancient Greeks, intuitively reads it in mathematical rules and cosmic harmony.

Wojciech Siudmak is currently one of the world’s best-known Polish painters.

During the concert of G. Verdi's opera "Don Carlos", the artist's works were used as decor elements in his personal animation.

Photo by Ewa-Ryszkowska