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The exhibition of works by the outstanding Polish painter, graphic artist and sculptor Wojciech Siudmak, which took place in Pamplona – the capital of the province of Navarra, located on the northern edge of Spain, reverberated in the cultural life of the city and the region. The venue of the exhibition was an extremely prestigious exhibition hall, a historic building dating back to the 15th century called Polvorin (Powder House).

In the painter’s own words:

The common denominator between the way Chopin expressed his spiritual experiences in the nocturnes and the inspirations taken from the nocturnes in my drawings is the unexpectedness of the measures they present. Chopin knew the classical measures of the architecture of form, but he used melody, and above all harmony, in a new and unexpected way. His works are dominated by an extraordinary harmony, a fascinating cosmic order. The creation of sequences through the grouping of phrases in Chopin’s work is not done in an algebraic way, as in Mozart’s pieces, but in an intuitive way, marked by emotions and a wonderful harmony

Elzbieta Podolak- Mikolajczyk, violinist
Fr. Chopin Walc op 69 nr 2

La exposición reúne la serie obra gráfica (25 piezas),
realizada por el reconocido artista polaco Wojciech Siudmak